Friday, May 25, 2012

Yesterday was one of those days that we had been training for this whole trip. We hiked 26 miles the day before (yes that is a marathon with backpacks on) in order to make it to the beginning of our hike on on Thursday morning. We looked up from the desert floor and we saw Cajon Pass over 5000 feet above us. Muir said that this was one of the most challenging mountain passes in Southern California back in his day. He would probably look at it now.and was closer to a ride at Disney Land but in our eyes it was a beast. Looking up from the bottom there was over 5000 ft of elevation change and there were 22 miles without water. Yes 22 miles without water. That means we left McDonalds with 16 liters of water between the two of us. That is 32 lbs of water if you are doing the math.

1 comment:

  1. 16 liters x 2.2047 lbs/liter = 35.27 lbs
    Don't short change yourself those 3 lbs
    Y'all are becoming a walking billboard for McDonalds. Maybe they could sponsor you. "Look how healthy McDonalds is. We have eaten all this and still lost 9 lbs in 10 days" Really enjoying the pics and stories. Hope this post finds you warm.
