Friday, May 11, 2012

We made it back to the Paradise Valley Cafe after 2 uneventful hitches. We are going for one last meal and then we are going to try to do an 8 day stint in the woods. We are at mile 152 or so and we are going to try to make it to mile 260 in Big Bear, California. Our packs are roughly 16 -20 lbs heavier than they were when we got here as they are now stuffed full with tuna and 20, yes thats right 20 candy bars (they are way cheaper than Cliff Bars) and definitely the route the diabetes and a $5000 dentist bill, but that is just the cost of high calories. We also found some breakfast snacks that are ringing in at 500 calories apiece. Breakfast of champions my friends.

We hated leaving Idyllwild. We met some really good people, ate tons of good food, and slept in a bed. We also got to hang at the playboy mansion/cabin that some of our new friends, the Boy Scouts, rented for the evening. How do you beat that?

I just bought a new water purifier that will hopefully keep the tadpoles out of our water bottles. Keep us in your thoughts. We are hopefully about to see our first snow as we are planning on climbing San Jacinto Peak which is 10834 feet. That fact is mind blowing since we are just below 5000 feet at the moment and we just left the desert.
Apparently they are giving llamas away in Anza which is only 5 miles away. I'm considering hitching a ride down there and then riding one back. If anyone knows where you could get a sherpa, that might help to. Just let me know.

From what I understand cell coverage isn't too great up there so you may not hear from us for a while, but we will try to post something when we can. Talk to everyone soon.

1 comment:

  1. Party on Garth!!!!! I love reading about your adventures!!!!
    Be safe and take care of those blisters!!! Don't worry about the candy bars, I have a great dentist in Iowa!!!
    Love, Pam Amstein
