Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Cliff Bar number 300!


  1. Cliff Bar #300? I recently ingested Cliff Bar #1. I wanted to get a feel for the source of nutrition on the PCT. I went to Smoothie King because they have about 75 different flavors of the glorious Cliff Bar. After the first bite of tree bark with a hint of smooth earthy tone, I decided I had a defective Cliff Bar, for it did not taste like chunky chocolate chip. My second bite was peanut butter and chocolate. It had a hint of spring with a touch of falling face first on the beach. I then came to the conclusion that you and Kristi would have to leave me behind. When your main source of nutrition tastes like something you picked up off the trail, then it's not for me. Thanks for the birthday wish, amazing stories and photos. 500 to go! Cannot wait to see you.

    1. Luke that was absolutely the funniest thing I have read on here. Keep on trying the Cliff bars we need a McMahen family hiking trip. Trust me after a few hundred meals of ramen cliff bars taste like heaven. We only have a few more left to eat now but I will try to save you one.
