Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A picture to show the size of the pancakes. Please note two pancakes are in the process of being eaten and that is a huge double bacon cheeseburger on top the thru hiker that ordered it only ate half.


  1. Finally, the pancakes! That doesn't look too impressive. Eli ate that for breakfast yesterday (to all the mothers, yes I know it's not advisable to give a 1-yr old a bacon cheeseburger for breakfast but he's a growing boy and a McMahen). What an amazing trip so far and it's all been in California. Good luck on that 30 miles a day pace. BTW, Eddie Vedder called, he wants his look back.

  2. I knew that of all people you would not have been impressed and if Eli were here we could have had the $14 worth of pancakes for free but instead we had to pay out of pocket. When we go back Eli can just thru hike the trail with is claim the title of youngest kid to hike the PCT and more importantly he can defeat the pancake challenge and get his picture on the wall. We can map out all of the logistics of this over the holidays. Start feeding that boy batter now and get him prepared. This is serious.
