Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Here is a video that should answer a few questions that we have been getting regarding resupply and it explains what a bounce bucket is.  If there was only some way to fit an air conditioner and hot water tank... if anyone can figure how to do it, MacGruber can.


  1. Hello my camping friend,
    I agree with Kristi, use soap and brush teeth!!! We won't report you to the camping police. I love love love the video!!!!! Can't wait for the next one!!! Be safe!!!!
    Pam Amstein

    1. Ok, I will follow you guys advice Pam. Thanks for keeping the teeth brushing on the down low.

    2. Ok, I will follow you guys advice Pam. Thanks for keeping the teeth brushing on the down low.

  2. the video. Can't wait for your next episode, I'll stay tuned. Hope all is well on the trail. Georgia

  3. Do you put your pistol in the bounce bucket? Good Luck bro!!!!!! Tell #8 (a.k.a. Kristi) she cannot be camera shy. Casey wants to catch y'all in South Lake Tahoe. You really have sponsors? Pretty good idea. I would have tried a clothing/gear company.

    1. Thanks Luke. I have a gold pistolen in the bounce bucket as a matter of fact and I am a deadeye with it. No sponsors yet, but if you guys find anyone you let us know. I'm thinking we can test towers for Verizon. Just saying. I will let you guys know when we get near Tahoe. You need to come out as well. Talk to you soon.

  4. Cool video Drew, and educational! Looking forward to seeing future episodes and good luck to you and Kristi!

    1. Thanks Clive good to hear from you bro. Let me know if Johnson City is going to make a field trip out west. I hope youre doing well.
